Saturday, September 10, 2016


Image result for clown movie poster
Clown (2016)
Fantasy, Horror
Directed By: Jon Watts

I am sure that a number of you reading this have a totally rational fear of clowns, and I get it, they are the epitome of creepy and anything with a permanent smile plastered on its face isn't to be trusted. This common phobia has been exploited throughout the history of literature and cinema ensuring that this fear be kept alive, and the directorial debut of Jon Watts takes it a step further. Simply titled Clown, the first feature from Watts gives us a new and interesting take on the circus centerpiece that will force audiences to second guess just how comfortable with clowns they really are.

Kent (Andy Powers) is a hard working and loving dad who wants nothing more than to make his son happy. Today that means he has to pay a clown to come to his son's birthday party to entertain him, because this kid has the creepiest obsession ever (clowns). When the guy they hired falls through, Kent decides to dress up himself using a strange old costume he found in the attic of a house he is currently trying to sell. Things get weird the next morning when he awakes still in costume only to find that this suit may not be so easy to get off of him. In fact, it seems that the suit is becoming a part of him. Reluctant of his new style he sets out to find out where this suit came from and how he can get it off however, the answers may not be what he is hoping to find.

I have never been one to claim to have a fear of clowns, but I have also never went out to defend them and there is no denying the inherent creepiness that comes with that painted face. Watts takes it to the next level though and instead of relying on an audience's already established fear he creates one for everyone to enjoy. In the film he establishes a new mythology for where the idea of a clown comes from and uses it to create a truly terrifying creature. The freshness of the idea keeps the viewer engaged throughout the story, adding a certain level of mystery to what's going on.

Despite what the title suggests this movie is a total creature feature as we watch the main character slowly turn into a hideous monster with sinister motives. Since it is a transformation story that also means there is a heavy amount of body horror as well, making this a movie that preys on so many of our biggest fears. It's one thing to watch a clown kill people, it's another thing to watch a man physically transform into a hideous clown creature who wants to eat your kid. 

Having a solid premise for a story doesn't ensure a good movie and with something like this execution is key. For the most part Clown hits all of its marks, it slows down in the middle of the second act but picks itself up for a blood soaked finale. The hook isn't as twisty as you might hope either but it fits the story Watts wanted to tell. A cool idea, and some fantastic make-up and practical effects are what carry the film and it is enough, but there a bit left to be desired here.

Andy powers takes up the lead role of Kent and does a solid job selling the horror of the transformation and the realization of what it means for him. Laura Allen covers the duties of his wife Meg doing a fine enough job but the acting power here comes from Peter Stormare, who unfortunately doesn't get as much screen time as he should. Playing the eccentric costume salesman he has some of the best acting moments of the film.

Having a delayed release in the sates means that this film got a huge build-up from the horror community. Anytime a film is held back fans begin to cook up theories as to why, usually leading to a huge hype around the film for being "too crazy". Clown certainly isn't a tame film by any standards but it also isn't doing anything we haven't seen before. They kill kids, that's why it was held back and when you see the movie it all seems silly that it happened. Though it may not live up to the hype created by some due to all of this, this is still a solid creature feature with some fantastic body horror and practical effects. I recommend any horror fan give this a shot, especially with the Halloween season quickly approaching.

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As always, thanks for reading and I am Zach Who Watches Movies. You can find me anytime on twitter @ZachWWMovies, smell ya later!

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